Packaging appJar Apps PyInstaller

The recommended way to package appJar is to use PyInstaller

Simply download and install PyInstaller.

If everything has been installed via pip, then you should be able to package your application with the following command:

pyinstaller -F -w

If not, then you may need to specify the path of certain libraries:

pyinstaller -F -w -p <path_to_appJar>

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Setting an app Icon

To set an icon for the app, include the following option:

pyinstaller -i <path_to_icon> -F -w

Including Images

To include images, include the following option:

appinstaller --add-data image.png:. -F -w

Platform Support

This has been tested & works under both Windows & Linux, although no success (yet) on OSX.

A lot more detail will be provided here, in a future release, on the exact process to follow to get everything built into your package.